Over the past decade, as I've mentioned before, and have written many words about, I have had several dreams about celebrities, and three different presidents. I make the distinction because celebrities all have talents for the entertainment industry. They are either singers, dancers, actors, or all three at once. Our current president is not a celebrity because he doesn't possess any of these talents. He may be famous, but he is not a celebrity. He just wants to be one so bad, he refers to his constituents as "fans" as one photograph I saw yesterday indicated. Fans may drool, but Trump people tend to foam at the mouth. See the difference? Two presidents I have had dreams about are Jimmy Carter, I referred to as the Quintessential Georgian, and Barack Obama who I briefly met in the Rose Garden right after I had, in reality, landed on the streets. I didn't even have a cell phone at the time, but in the dream, the newly elected President ...
I like to BLAHG!!!