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Over the past decade, as I've mentioned before, and have written many words about, I have had several dreams about celebrities, and three different presidents.  I make the distinction because celebrities all have talents for the entertainment industry.  They are either singers, dancers, actors, or all three at once.  Our current president is not a celebrity because he doesn't possess any of these talents.  He may be famous, but he is not a celebrity.  He just wants to be one so bad, he refers to his constituents as "fans" as one photograph I saw yesterday indicated.  Fans may drool, but Trump people tend to foam at the mouth.  See the difference?

Two presidents I have had dreams about are Jimmy Carter, I referred to as the Quintessential Georgian, and Barack Obama who I briefly met in the Rose Garden right after I had, in reality, landed on the streets.  I didn't even have a cell phone at the time, but in the dream, the newly elected President Obama reached in his coat pocket, pulled out his cell phone and handed it to me saying, "Call me".

It was at that moment I left the gathering at the White House and proceeded to walk down the street, when I thought to myself... How am I going to call him, if I have his cell phone, duh?!?  I then called the switch board and began to explain to the White House receptionist (Or, with all due respect, whatever prestigious title one would have in that position) what had just happened when the dream abruptly ended and I woke up.

These dreams of celebrities and presidents are always sober dreams, meaning I hadn't been drinking.  They are also lucid dreams and I wake up thinking I was really somewhere else for a moment, but I don't believe that to be the case.  It just feels like I was in another place.  Let me just make it clear that none of them have been sex dreams.  They do seem to have all been connected to stressful times like losing my apartment and/or a job, or street life, or incarceration, or cold weather, but, they are not sexual.

So, while I did not intend to mention Selena Gomez in this post, I will, since I just read she released a new album today called Rare.  The only significance Selena Gomez has in relation to these lucid dreams is I have had more than one dream where she appeared.  The same is true for Donald Trump, and I'm really getting sick and tired of this guy showing up in my dream space!!!

In fact, the first time he showed up was probably a year ago, where before he could utter a word (thankfully), he disappeared after I told him to get out of my dream space!  The second time was probably just a month ago when he showed up again.  I was sitting in the Oval Office with him at his desk, not a word was spoken.  He just slid some kind of document across the top of the desk with a pen as if he wanted me to sign it.  I refused to sign by only my shaking head.  The dream, a short one, abruptly ended, which is often the case with dreams.

But, last night in my sober state, here he comes again, only this was a long one. I woke up, and fell back asleep, only to return to it again, over the course of about seven hours.  Let me preface this by saying I do not have any religious affiliation after many years of torment from my exposure to religion.  But, it just so happened that I was attending a retreat of some kind with a group from the United Methodist Church.  It was that specific.  There were families there and we were having a buffet dinner including spaghetti, but a full spread even without the noodles!  I hadn't met any of these people before.  So, they were introducing me around, when I decided to pitch in with the food preparation.  They needed some water to boil the spaghetti.

I took the empty pot to the kitchen area in what was some kind of clubhouse and filled it with water.  After I returned with the pot of water everybody was busy doing something, including two young women who had testing strips to be sure the water was not toxic, or contaminated.  I guess boiling it would have made it safe, but who knows?  I had never been there before.

They needed another pot filled with water.  I returned to the kitchen to fill the next pot, when I found the sink had overflowed and water was spreading all over the floor into the next room.  One of the guys came in at the same time and just said, "Don't worry, don't worry.  We have a shop vac right there", as one of the kids turned the corner seeing what had happened pointed out there were three shop vacs indeed, but assured me to use the one on the floor closest to me because it worked best.  Apparently, this was the kid's dad who was there when I walked into the situation.  He said, "I got it Gabe".

I was like, "Are you sure?"

He just said, "Yeah, yeah, I got it.  It's ok".

Well, wouldn't you know, when I got back to the buffet table, one of the women was having trouble opening a jar of spaghetti sauce.  She asked me if I could open it.

I told her, "I'll try, but my hand strength isn't what it used to be".  I took the jar and gave it a twist and with a pop the lid came right off along with about half the jar spewing out, of course, all over me!

We were supposed to go somewhere.  I can't remember where, but probably to church.  Now, I'm covered in spaghetti sauce!  Fortunately, I had my back pack, and a change of clothes inside.  But, it was already getting late and all the other food was on the table ready to eat, when they decided we didn't need any spaghetti anyway.

I said, "You guys go ahead. I'll just stay here and clean up, and change my clothes.

They said, "You don't have to do that.  Katie is coming by to clean up the spread.  She always does.  She oversees the property, she'll get you a ride over, but get yourself something to eat first".

Everybody made their way out and I went to change my clothes.  When I came back out, Katie was already there cleaning up the mess.  She said, "Hi Gabe!  I've already called for your ride.  They should be here shortly.  Grab some food before you go", which I did as we just laughed in discussion about the whole scene from the water to the sauce!

Moments later, the door opened and a voice called out for Katie to which she responded, "We're in here".  I was just finishing up my plate.  My bag was on the floor.  I apologized for the mess and she just reassured it was fine.

I shook the man's hand who came to pick me up as we exchanged the usual pleasantries and we made our way outside.  Low and behold, as we rounded the corner from the serving area, standing there he was, Donald J. Trump, once again invading my dream space!  Persistent muther, isn't he?

I couldn't believe it!  So, I just breezed on by him as if he didn't exist and made my way out the door.  I remembered when I came into the building, the porch was a little creaky.  The president followed me out.  As he did, I told him "Be careful, the porch is weak", kinda like him...

In fact, as he took a step, he tripped, fell down and started crawling on his knees... Not just one knee, ok?  The driver and the other man came and helped him up, and into the back of the black crew cab they rolled up in.  They must have been Secret Service.  I got in the other side.  That meant, I was sitting right next to him.

He started blabbing, blab, blab, blab, sad, sad sad, yada, yada, yada, but I'm pretty sure he mentioned his ratings.  He said he was sorry for all the stupidity he had brought to this presidency, including this latest penis war he started.

"Are you really telling us this", I asked.  As I turned toward him to look at him in disbelief, I could see the tears flowing from his eyes.  Maybe he does have some talent after all, I thought.  The driver then said to me, "Tell 'em to lighten up Gabe".  I just didn't say anything.  I was so disgusted I couldn't wait to get out of the truck.  It was only a short drive to the church.  Upon arrival, I immediately exited the vehicle.  He couldn't even walk.  So, they got him a wheelchair, conveniently located in the back of the truck.  Without a goodbye, they rolled him off into the night, disappearing, as if they were never there.

As I made my way to the door the man who had been there when the water overflowed, said, "Gabe, I called Katie and left a message, because she didn't pick up.  Did she send the movie with you", he asked.

I said, "No, she didn't, but if you wanna hear a story, I got one for you!"

Then, a set of head lights approached from the drive we had just rolled across.  It was Katie.  She got out of the car and announced, "Here's your movie", only we weren't at a church.  We were at the same clubhouse with the buffet and I... I was still wearing my clothes covered in spaghetti sauce!


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