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It says, I don't cause trouble, but I will correct it. If it is within my power, I will correct a troubled situation, as I did last night while enjoying some semi-solitude, at one of my favorite spots while doing this puzzle pictured. After all, they don't call them frat "boys" for nuthin'. Aptly put, they are boys, not men that tend to grow older, but often times, their behaviour remains boyish, which can be admirable, if you're not a childish, obnoxious, asshole.

Of course, living in this college town of my Alma Mater, the University of Georgia, I have been able to recognize certain behaviors before they are exhibited. Different from being prejudice, it is more of an educated guess that something may occur that is less than desirable for the peace loving people of the world, like myself, but I am not a Peace Junkie believing firmly in an Army motto a soldier wore printed on his t- shirt one day several years ago, while I was, of course, sitting at the bar doing a Sudoku.

It read, in Latin:

“Si vis pacem, para bellum”

It, according to some quick search results on this Android "an adage that's 2000 years old. It means: “If you want peace, prepare for war"

IMHO, there is no greater truth, unfortunately, fortunately. Part of our yin-yang state of existence. We may not like it, but that's the way it works. Protect what you have, or you're almost certainly guaranteed it will be taken away. I learned that the hard way before being introduced to this mindset.

This is why the president so loyally defends the oil, and coal industries as they did slavery in what became known as the Lost Cause. People of power who defend atrocities do so for personal interests, and not for the greater good. For many, the special interest may be a family, rather than petroleum. For good, and Noble causes we should and must defend. But, when you are aware that plastic bottles can be made of vegetable oil, and are bio-degradable, and vegetable oil can even run a car, then the only thing you are defending is bullsh*t.

So, if it is within my power, our power, we can change that. The current administration is/are defenders of bullsh*t. Let's change that, and may they never return to leadership positions again.

Just last night, I did what was within my power to do when the "kidz" in the booth behind me decided to, so to speak, start rocking the boat... Or, the booth in this case.

You understand, they could have sat down almost anywhere since the place was practically empty. But, just like three guys walking into a bar sitting down next to me, only to discover the Genius of Cleaning Supplies, these children decided to sit down in the adjacent booth to mine.

That's when the cradle began to rock, and this Daddy was not happy. So, after three, or four booth rocking disturbances of the peace, Daddyo got up and confronted these idiots. It's another ID 10 T error left ignored, that will never cease to exist and we will forever be in resistance to bullsh*t.

So, I called them out without using profanity until the end, I looked all four of them in their eyes and asked a simple question, "Do you guys each have mother's".

After a couple seconds of silence in curious astonishment as I stood there decked out in red & black including my Ice Dawgz jerzee, and a black stocking cap, one of the kids responded with, "No, I was adopted", while afterward two others repeated the reply as herd people do.

I totally deaf eared it and said, "Just act the way your mother taught you and quit banging the bench fellas", looking the one suspect in the eye because I could tell from the movement, it was him, the only one who didn't chime in to repeat the first smart ass.

The rocking stopped until several minutes later when they got up to leave. This is partially a structural issue with the booths, but when your group is sitting down and not getting up, and the booth still rocks it's from youthful, exuberance to laugh and gesture accordingly by rocking in laughter to your friend's witty remarks. That's when your false joy becomes my frustration. I'm just trying to do this puzzle here, right?

As they up and left, one said, "Have a good night".

I said in response, looking at the same kid, "You just mind your manners, ok", when the comedian of the bunch confessedly, rhetorically, and sarcastically, asked "What manners".

To which I wished them a good night by saying, "You're a bunch of Trump F*cks".

There was no response.

That was all.

Good Night!

Make the world a better place. Mind your manners, and let's never elect another childish, obnoxious asshole again. People of dignity must unite, or we are doomed to serve these schmucks indefinitely.

Let's not get wrapped up in fringe topics that only breed division from the left, or the right. Let's just focus on dignity. Live, and let live, without disturbing the peace. When those who do, let us correct them, perhaps by sending them to Guantanamo Bay.


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