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A Newsbroke Exchange

Newsbroke Video: Horrible People Who Are More Deportable Than Immigrants

***If someone can please show me how to embed videos into this BLAHG, that would be great.  But, in the meantime, please click thru the link above to see what stimulated the following exchange.  Francesca, you're reading my mind!  Let's talk about deportation!  If you're parking your ass on a street corner day after day, you deserve a parking ticket!  By the third offense, you get one last ticket a one way ticket to a third world country where people actually have a justifiable reason to beg.  Meanwhile, the soup kitchen is right over there.  They serve twice a day.  So, why is it your begging?  Because it sure as hell isn't paying the rent.  You're here every single day.  Imagine what that kind of dedication would get you if you actually got a job.  You might still not be able to afford a place to live, but you would gain some dignity.  America, where everyone gets a blank canvass, and some choose to write "Homeless & Hungry" on it and call it a day.  The amazing thing is, people buy it.  But, you know, Donald Trump IS the president.  So, go figure.


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AJ+'s Newsbroke added a new episode — with Francesca Fiorentini.
I bet you can think of some people we should deport instead of immigrants. Let us know and help instate #DAHA.

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Stephen Rosenberg I love Scott Walker.

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Jade Swendsrud · Friends with Nate Koep
Did you know that a illegal immigrant is already 100% guolty


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Gabe Newman Did you know our ancestors are?

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Jade Swendsrud · Friends with Nate Koep
Yes, they where born here too


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Jade Swendsrud · Friends with Nate Koep
Remember, your favorite socialist, the British came here and took over, the natives should have defended it better.


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Gabe Newman Weaponry. The only SUPERIOR white trait! Think about it. How much money is there in the world? And, who created it? Get back to me.

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Jade Swendsrud · Friends with Nate Koep
Not my problem, stop living in the past!


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Jade Swendsrud · Friends with Nate Koep
Tough to move forward when all you guys pick apart the past! There was plenty of hate back then, and now the left carries on that tradition


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Gabe Newman Our president brings back the past.

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Jade Swendsrud · Friends with Nate Koep
The one that was ripped from us! Go to Venezuela if you love socialism so much


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Jade Swendsrud · Friends with Nate Koep
Because there is plenty of us that will defend our country


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Gabe Newman Why do you conclude I'm a Socialist?

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Gabe Newman Because, I call a moron, a moron?

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Gabe Newman You're never gonna have a mansion man. And, do you really want one? If so, why?

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Jade Swendsrud · Friends with Nate Koep
No, I can just tell that you wanted Bernie, call me what you want, does not matter to me! I do not like to take money I did not earn.


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Gabe Newman Maybe, because I already said that, but I didn't vote for him either. When he got ripped off from the nomination by the woman who talks like a man, and the Super Delegates, he LOST me when he then went and embraced her afterward. Of course, Bernie is always trying to think of the greater good. So, I understand his move, but did not respect it. She is a SNAKE, and her name isn't Donald, but he does have a Queen's accent doesn't he? Funny, how the both of the two Chief Egomaniacs exhibit qualities of the other sex.

In terms of Socialism, let's just do the math, and first of all acknowledge under pure Communism (when Socialism achieves world wide adoption... which is NEVER) there wouldn't be any money. Money is part of the Capitalist game.

But, hypothetically speaking, if you took all the money in the world and divided it equally (and I'm not suggesting we do) then everybody would get about $20,000. Hardly enough to go around, and mathematically impossible for everyone to be a millionaire, or to even make six figures, not even $21,000 apiece.

So, what you should see from that is that money is scarce. That is why it is concentrated in the hands of a few, while the crumbs of keeping the system going "trickle down" only enough for those who have more than most to say, "Try Harder", when they don't even understand this, or simply deny it. They actually think they EARNED it! Well, some do know this, and they just laugh at the masses scrambling to make a buck, nowadays some are working three jobs to live in a trailer park, and now expected to buy health insurance too, based on the false idea, the myth of self-sufficiency. It's a lie Jade.

So, to call me a Socialist is unfounded, prejudice, and typical for any loyalist of either Hillary, or Dumb Donald. I do like Bernie the most and see him as the "most" genuine person of all politicians, besides now Jeff Flake, on the other side of the aisle, but if you believe the minimum wage will solve our poverty problem, you might as well believe either Communism, or Laissez-Faire economics is a possible reality.

More likely, would be Laissez-Faire economics, but we'd have to return to the days of the pioneers when the rule of law could not really stretch across the land and people lived and let live. Otherwise, in a society like ours with many people gathered in cities everywhere, the rule of law will be present.

Communism, in whole, Socialism being in part, will never exist except in concept, in my opinion, because it ignores the truth of the human condition which is to be selfish, and lazy. It also ignores and denies there is a God. Therefore, judging humans as basically good, when they are basically coming out of the womb screaming and crying for somebody to do something for them, namely, feed them. But, that's fine. Babies cannot take care of themselves, and they require Mom, or somebody, step in. This is part of the village concept really. Nobody can take care of themselves. It takes a team, until someone can stand up on their own and walk, and then run!

So, what I am, is a believer in the system as we have it structured right now. It's a balance between the free market and the social safety net. Since money is concentrated in the hands of a few, and it is mathematically impossible for everyone to be a millionaire, then the wealthy must cough up enough to keep those at the bottom alive and well. Well enough to consider ourselves a civilized society, but that's just my opinion. Otherwise, we should just slaughter the poor and be done with the whole problem. But, to suggest everyone just try harder is naïve, or cold, and cruel hearted.

No, I'm not a Socialist, but I'm not a McMansion Capitalist either and that's what we have today. Everybody should have their own mansion, right? It's impossible, unless you got rid of money and we all worked together to build everyone a mansion, but who really wants one, and that would never happen anyway. The best we can do is live as more modest capitalists. If I ever get my own place, I'll tell you what, my apartment will have a sign over the door, that says, "The Mansion". So, please don't call me names when you have no idea what you're talking about.

We have people scrambling to get by and working harder than ever to the point of diminishing returns. I am a member of the working poor. This is an economic fact, while the 1% are living large and think everybody else should be too while never doing the math. 20% of Americans work in corporate America. That's a nice lifestyle to live, but it provides a false image and sense of security for society as a whole. But, if you're fortunate enough to live in that world, you might just start to think everyone lives in a swim and tennis community, when all you gotta do is drive a mile outside of your dream world and see your nearby trailer park, where most Americans actually live, or some other less than desirable neighborhood.

SHARING is a moral obligation of a system that has $1 for 100 people. The value of a dollar is determined by the people at the top. Fortunately, in America, our poor live like kings compared to the rest of the impoverished world. So, what we really need to be saying is Make America Grateful Again, and wake up the blue collar people buying this man's lies.

Bottom line, if you've made more than $20,000 in your lifetime, you're rich! You've made more than most people in the world can every dream about. In fact, you're not just rich, you're blessed. The problem comes when they now want us all to fend for ourselves again, but the price of health insurance costs more than the rent. Since, most people don't work in corporate America where you get it for a small contribution comparatively, plus your deductibles, it is unaffordable, and a sign that the game is either over, or about to collapse. When people cannot provide a decent living on forty hours a week, then something is drastically wrong, and that's where we are.

Oh, and one last thing. In a socialist state, where everyone is an equal owner of the farm, company, factory, there aren't any fat cats making 300 times what everybody else is. Everybody gets a fair share because everyone contributes. This is probably the biggest misconception that many Americans have about Socialism. It REQUIRES everyone work. What you're complaining about people not earning is called WELFARE. It's not the same, but people so often label WELFARE as SOCIALIST, it has been commonly accepted as true, and nothing could be further from the truth.

Therefore, not only do I support the idea of welfare recipients being required to work in order to keep their benefits. I also believe welfare recipients should be sterilized after two years on the taxpayers dime so as to prevent the breeding of the next generation of recipients who will also be without any real upward mobility. No, I'm not a Socialist Jade. I'm a realist. And, president Trump is a real moron.



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