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Little Souls

Little Souls                            

While the battle must be fought, it cannot always be won.  Much too young to die, and much too gentle for this world, a little soul departed while most likely in her legally and chemically induced sleep.  A troubled little soul she was and would likely argue that she didn't even have a soul because it couldn't be proven by the scientific method.  This little soul had big convictions about things.

When you can see you without being all wrapped up in yourself; when you can look down from the top of the trees, or the top of the mountain, or from way up high in the sky and see yourself, and all those around you within all the circumstances and unbiasedly observe the situation, only then can you begin to be released from the bondage of your state of being.  But, it is the tree, or the mountain, or the wind beneath your wings that allows you to be elevated to see clearly from above.

It has been said that the phrase "born again", held captive only by Christian fundamentalists, is more literally translated as "born from above".  The phrase born again seems to initiate an argument, especiallly to the scientific mind, for how is it that 'one can enter the womb for a second time to be born again'.  The literalist and the scientist have a difficult time understanding metaphor.

"Say what you mean, and mean what you say", they might say.  But, the best selling book of all time is filled with things not to be taken literally.  Neither is one literally "born from above", but to a clear sense of reason, heaven sent.

This little soul, calm, quiet, soft spoken, was very good at understanding concepts. But, of these concepts she sometimes lacked in the ability to make practical application.  Understanding and knowledge were paramount to this little soul.  To be able to explain everything down to a "T", seemed to be this little soul's driving force.

She had seen every psychologist, psychiatrist, doctor and read every book to the point of immersion (not to be taken literally).  Most likely, in the end, some version of the legally prescribed molitif cocktail took her in her sleep.  For her sake, it should have been a good and peaceful dream in which to leave this state of being.

The thought of Michael Jackson's doctor being put on trial comes to mind.  Accountability... did he "kill" MJ by giving him what he wanted?  Is the crack dealer responsible for homelessness?  If so, then it is certainly justifiable that a few hours of community service at the soup kitchen serving them something they really need instead is warranted.  Further, is the crack dealer responsible for the deaths of crack heads?  If so, then the same logic would follow wouldn't it?  They want it.  The dealer supplies it at a price to the pauper, no different than Dr. Murray did for the King... of Pop!

Elvis died under similar circumstances.  A world gone mad with professionalism as the brown bag is for pushing drugs in a suit and tie whether it be to celebrities, or little souls.  

It is a four day hike to Machu Picchu, along the rocky road to the top.  A long hard, knock down road it is.  The battle, the struggle, the will to win, and/or to survive drives many to the top of each individual's figurative mountain top city.  Whether you live on the streets, or in a mansion, and whether you're looking for your next meal, or your next big performance, the struggle remains common to all, and for some reason, so do drugs.

Nothing is new about the presence of drugs in society.  They've always been around and have also always been an integral, "legal" part of existence even if it was a Shaman who was giving it to you.  We don't live in the jungle though.  We live in cities constructed with high towers and with parking decks for shiny cars.  It is a sparkling experience, even visually simulating what the effects of a drug might be!

With the flutter of light bouncing off the glass throughout a city, you might even have the illusion that they are flashbulbs and think you're in Hollywood, with delusions of grandeur floating through your mind, when success doesn't happen as soon as you would like, you may begin to lose hope feeling the symptoms of depression and anxiety, causing shaking and doubt, and profuse sweating... you need a doctor!!

The doctor has just what you need... not only a drug, but a host of drugs!!  You need one drug to wake up, and another one to go to sleep.  Eventually, you might even need one for the side effects these drugs produce.  Before you know it, you're a walking zombie.  And to think, all you really needed to accomplish that was some weed!

Sobriety is a state of mind clutter-free, calm and clear; three c's to remember.  Sometimes it takes poverty to bring someone to sobriety.  Sometimes it takes withdrawing from all the glitter and glam in order to be able to see straight.  Regardless, it does require the ability to look at your situation from above.   From that vantage point, we're all little souls.

Rest in peace paupers and kings... as for you, just LIVE!


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