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The Genius of Cleaning Supplies

So, three guys walk into a bar and sit down right next to me. I'm just working on my Sudoku minding my own business for several minutes when one of them gets up to go use the bathroom. Several minutes pass by before he returns only to exclaim, "Whoever runs this place is a genius!" His buddies look at him like, "Huh?"

Eureka moments frequently occur in the bathroom. Just ask our president who makes it clear on a daily basis. Though, only he thinks they're Eureka moments.

So, the guy continues to explain, "I went to use the bathroom and somebody had pissed on the seat and left it" of course. "But, there is a cart in the men's stall that has cleaning supplies on it. So, I cleaned it myself!" His buddies were still dumbfounded, but me, I busted out in laughter!

"Thanks for the bathroom humor", I told him. "I'm gonna write a BLAHG because of it. This will be a very short BLAHG, but since it happened at the Blind Pig Tavern, I thought I would again point you to my previous post of the Blind Pig Rules of the House! They could add one more, and say, "And, if someone pisses on the toilet seat clean it up! Here's the supplies!"

Meanwhile, the time goes by and it's closing time. The Blind Pig kitchen closes at 10pm. Mary Katherin, one of the bartenders/wait staff was working that night. She's back and forth doing her thing trying to close things out for the day in her saddle oxfords she always wears because if you went to Catholic School for eighteen years you might wear your saddle oxfords every day too even though you're a few years past graduation and in college.

Now, the first time I met Mary Katherin, and I saw her wearing those shoes, I asked her, "Are you Catholic? Because, you remind me of that character Mary Katherine Gallager. I mean really, you could be sisters", to which she seemed to agree as she acknowledged she knew who the character was. Turns out, Mary Katherin grew up in the same "neighborhood" as I did, at least during my teens. It's always cool when you meet somebody who knows where you're from, you know? Plus, when she's an Irish Catholic School Girl that looks like Molly Shannon and serves me beer, I gotta write this stuff down!

Mary Katherin, like I said, was busy running around closing up for the day, in her saddle oxfords, on a freshly mopped floor putting out the yellow Piso Mojado Wet Floor signs when all of a sudden, I heard a thud. Everyone stopped and looked and people started to gather around her. Mary Katherin had taken an ironic spill on that wet floor while putting out the warning signs!

She's laying there flat on her back saying, "I'm okay, everybody back off. Just let me..." get her bearings straight is what she was alluding to as she sat up and then came to her feet before shedding a few tears of pain and probably what was some embarrassment. It's okay Mary Katherin! You're a tough cookie!

So, do yourselves a favor... Read these BLIND PIG HOUSE RULES, and watch this video by clicking through the link below. It's more bathroom humor! Then, pay a visit to the Blind Pig in Downtown Athens, one of three locations in Athens. Come witness a great staff of people including Mary Katherin, who truly serve the customer, even though the customer is NOT always right! And, remember, as usual, tip your bartenders and wait staff! That's a RULE, GENIUS!


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Get Your Non-Skid Saddle Oxfords Here!!!


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