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Huh? Wha?

It all began with a broom in Boston. Feddie Spaghetti was sweeping the sidewalk as he usually does when he said, "I love my broom!  It reminds me of that guy on tv that says, 'I love my blender', ha, ha... The thing is I know how to use a broom because when I was a kid, if I didn't do it right, my Mama would tear my ass up!  God knows I love my broom.  He was teaching me... You know?  I don't know what he was teaching me, but if I didn't do it right my Mama would whip my ass"

"It must have been a foreshadowing of things to come", I said.

"Huh", Feddie responded.

"A foreshadowing... God knew one day you would be in front of this Subway.  So, he taught you how to use a broom".

"Oh, yeah, a foreshadowing... Haha"

Meanwhile, Feddie continued to sweep, as I continued with a cotton swab in my ear.  These are things you would normally do in the morning, in the comfort of your own home, but since I don't have a home, I just sneak it in discreetly.  It only takes a few seconds, and you would just think I was scratching my ear anyway.  Who am I going to offend?

I carry a hygiene kit in my bag including "Q-tips", otherwise known as cotton swabs.  They're cotton balls on a stick.  Life on the streets means you have to do your morning ritual in multiple locations.  You just don't have the luxury of doing everything in one place, and on Sundays it's even tougher.  Regardless, cleaning your ears is the last thing you're going to do in order of priority.

So, I sat there on the corner, cotton swab in ear, as Feddie swept the ground talking about his Mama and a broom, and how she would beat his ass with a belt if his sweeping job was less than acceptable!

I could relate to the belt.  It reminded me of my own mother!  I chimed in, "Speaking of foreshadowing, when I was about 10 years old we lived in a small town in North Georgia.  Every year, there was a Fall festival and they would have a costume contest.  That year, I entered the costume contest and I won!  Do you know what I dressed up as?"

Feddie, took a wild guess, or two, and then said, "I give up.  Save us the suspense".  There was a third guy sitting there silently just listening in.

I said, "A Hobo", expecting to get a laugh.

"Ohh.  Whew! That reminds me of Will Smith", I just listened because I had no idea what he was talking about.  Feddie goes on rants sometimes and he doesn't stop until he completes his thought.  I understand this.  So, I didn't question him.  I just let him continue.

He went on for a minute, or two.  Beginning with the fact, he said, "Will Smith did that.  Yeah.  They offered him a million dollars to do that.  It was only supposed to be for a second, but that kiss went on and on".

With sarcasm, I said, "Well, it's only acting, right"?

"Yeah, right, acting!  But, that launched his career.  From there, he went on to do Alien, and all those other movies.  Just from one kiss his career skyrocketed".

As Feddie continued, I became more and more confused.  Why is he telling me this, I wondered to myself.  And, then it hit.  I understood.

I interrupted him in mid-sentence,  "Are you telling me Will Smith kissed another man in a movie?"

"Yeah.  His career took off after that!  From one kiss..."

There was a pause, and then I finally said...

 "I said, HO-BO, not HO-MO Feddie!!!"

"What?  Oh, shit.  I gotta get my hearing checked.  I thought you said HOMO.  Why did you let me go on", he asked.

"I didn't know what you were talking about man.  Sometimes you go on, and I just listen, but then it hit me... He thought I said HOMO!"

I busted out laughing hard, bringing tears to my eyes!!  "That's better than television Feddie".  "Oh, my God!  That's funny!"

By this point Feddie is laughing too, but I had to ask the question after gaining my composure, "Feddie, Feddie... I just gotta ask.  Do you need a Q-tip?"

"Maybe four, or five would be better", he said.

The laughter continued...

On this, one of the first sunny days in Georgia in a long time, it all began with a broom from Boston, and a HOBO from Ball Ground, GA

Let the sun shine!


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