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Mental Illness, or Malicious Intent.. Or, is it Photoshop?

A friend posted this photo on his Facebook page.  Having seen enough bullsh*t in the course of a lifetime, I had to say something and responded with this diarreah of the mouth, or more accurately of the keyboard.  However, the next time I stand up with a microphone, I'm going to have something to say about this, which will only lead me back to Jailhouse Dreams...

My response:

It is a recurring problem. From my experience, and that is only in the South, many bathrooms have toilet paper holders mounted in the most ridiculous of places so that you have to be a contortionist to reach it them. So many times I have cursed those who install these things asking myself if they are really that stupid, or did they do it on purpose.

With countless other examples of this mystery between malicious intent and mental illness, with this picture I am questioning whether this mystery exists elsewhere. If you tell me this is in the South, I already understand. It's the Hee-Haw factor of life around here, whether it be intentional, or not. If you tell me it is elsewhere, I will have lost all hope in the limited hope I already have in humanity, especially those in positions of authority who could make the world a better place, or at least one that makes sense by putting toilet paper holders where they make sense.

If there isn't an appropriate place on the wall, has anybody ever considered one of those paper towel holders with a simple base and an upright dowel to hold the damned paper?!? They're quite portable and can be placed wherever the "sh*tter" wishes, and I'm not talking about the toilet because a toilet has about as much brains as the dip-sh*t who installed this one portrayed in your photograph.

In this case, those in the positions of authority sit upon the porcelain throne, and are kings of sh*t, often referred to as bullsh*t, but we should really consider calling it "human shi*t".

Regardless of your answer, it is abundantly clear that the people who make these decisions should at the very least be sterilized if indeed this is an issue of mental illness, rather than malicious intent. In the case that it be malicious intent, I say we just sterilize them since we can't rightfully shoot them! So, be it.

It has taken me all of my life to draw the conclusion that while none of us are perfect, approximately 80% of the population is either stupid, or pretends to be stupid. That leaves 20% of us standing around asking the question, "What the hell is wrong with you people?" It's hard to distinguish between the truly stupid, and the pretenders, but it takes up the vast majority of humanity in total. If you can't find peace in the bathroom, then where can you find it?

Mashugina & Oy Vey!

Stop the madness!!!

People for ergonomically correctly positioned toilet Paper Dispensers Unite!!!


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