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Republicans & Democrats

The Republicans are the party of THE WAY THINGS SHOULD BE, i.e. Everyone SHOULD BE self-sufficient.

The Democrats are the party of THE WAY THINGS ARE.

Poverty has existed since before the Bible was written, or else they wouldn't have written about it.

In fact, poverty is a symptom of our capitialist system, the only realistic system of operation on the planet. The question is in how we deal with poverty, not in whether it exists.

Communism and egalitarianism is idealism. Pure, free market Capitalism (without regulation) is also idealism. Neither work on their own beliefs, though they are both wonderful ideas.

We have come to a point in our country's existence where we have achieved a balance between the two polar extremes where we have created a welfare state for those who are truly unable to provide the basic standard of living they receive at the tax payers expense. , and those who seek freedom by specific  lawz.Thir welfare state is an investment in peace. Without the welfare state and held only to the false belief of self isufficiency for all, we would have even more chaos than we already have. So, when Liberals argue for more lawz, that goes against the raw idea of freedom, which has no lawz.

With as much trash is on the ground, often times thrown down by those on the bottom rungs of society, the least we should require of every welfare recipient is regular community serivce if not for anything else than picking up trash on the roadside. The same should be true for every inmate of the system. Work is essential to health. Instead, we have an entire group of people sitting around waiting for the next check.

In this way, at least work would be required which would then make it more like the Socialism the conservatives complain about when they complain about welfare, which is not the same thing as a work based system like Socialism/Communism.  Yet, that's what they call it and complain about when what they are really complaining about is income redistribution, and welfare.

This is what we talked about at breakfast this morning at the soup kitchen.  The lady that runs it, asked me how my week was.  I said, "Well, at least I didn't get locked up!"  She said, "And, that's a good thing, right?"  I said, "That's a good question."

I continued in my thought as I left the soup kitchen and walked to the public library, also paid for at the tax payers expense, and about thirty-minutes away on foot.  In the jail house, the toilet is ten feet away, as opposed to being a mile away.  On the downside, because of the diet they feed you in jail, you can't use the toilet because you are overfed on soy proteing and are horribly constipated, some going weeks without a bowel movement, and when you do it is painful.  The diet also causes other health complications over time.

In the jail house, the shower is also just ten feet away, but the water is so harsh, if you use it too much your skin begins to dry out excessively to the point where it is flaking off your face, your legs and over every inch of your body within just a couple of weeks.  Imagine what is doing internally.  In fact, the symptoms are probably from an internal problem of dehydration.  You cannot drink enough water in the jail house to quench your thirst.

In the jail house, you get a bunk with a mattress pad, as opposed to sleeping on hard ground unless you have an elaborate camp site in a secluded area, where you must shit like a bear in the woods, and bathe in a polluted creek, so they say.  Personally, I improvise and stay out of the woods, but it's a trade off in levels of comfort.

In the jail house, you can expand your mind, or at least exercise it by reading books. You can do that on the outside too, but you spend so much time walking around trying to stay fed and clean, that your leisure time is limited and reading becomes something you do when you can, usually in the latter part of the day after feeding and washing is complete.
I remember my first experience working with a start up .com. We had 5 different databases of information without a common key between them all. So, when building the website, and functioning on a daily basis, we had to consult multiple information sources in order to get anything done. My repeated question was, "Why don't we have one source of information?"

Someone from IT explained it to me one day, about the common key. Through the advancement of technology, and a change in suppliers along the way, new systems unrelated to the old systems were purchased and implemented. This created a disjointed environment many companies still struggle with today, I'm sure. Pure stupid, and a run around. Donald Trump is the president, and he acts just like my capital X... B word.

What China is doing with We Chat makes a lot of sense, but it does pose the threat of Big Brother, which I don't think they really care about like we do. AOL was of the same mindset at the infancy of the Internet. Their whole purpose in creating a user experience on the Internet was to keep you on AOL. This required "stickiness" as it is called, which is basically all the reasons you have to "stick" around on the AOL site, or any site for that matter. That's why you could find, or do almost anything on AOL, which is why THEY seek to eliminate net neutrality.

The problem is it boxes people in to a domain, or kingdom, if you will. This is contrary to the natural, "free flow" of the Internet. Why would you want to get all of your opinions from one source, like AOL... or We Chat, or FAKES Newz? People volunteer for the FAKES. THEYRE just trying to force you to FAKES NEWZ.

In the beginning, there was only one Yellow Pages directory, and then there was more than one just before the advent of the Internet, which is really just a giant Yellow Pages pulling information from a vast number of sources so you can formulate an educated opinion outside of being force fed what one source offers. I will always side with "free flow", over "one source". 

After all, it is the Bible that says, "Come let us reason together" speaking of GOD and the creation. People argue over monotheism, and polytheism, but the plurality of GOD is evident from the opening chapters however it breaks down, or adds up.  But, more people have read the Yellow Pages than have read the Bible. Only these dayz, kidz don't even know what the Yellow Pages WERE.

On a human level, we have what I like to call the Me-We principle, where the individual is reliant upon the group for survival. No man is an island, or "inherently exists" without others. Certainly, we are all individuals, but in a consumer driven society, multiple sources of information are preferred in order to drive educated consumerism v. zombie consumerism.

The suppliers of goods tend to prefer zombie consumerism, but what about the customer, the individual customer? In the end, you see, the Me and the We are inseparable, yet we continue to try to force one side over the other just like our political parties do in this country declaring one superior over the other when it actually takes both points of view to make things work. YES, everyone SHOULD be self-sufficient. Also, YES, impoverished people have been around as long as that belief in self-sufficiency.

Conservatives, and Republicans tend to be the party of the way things SHOULD BE. The Democrats are the party of the way things ARE and try to deal with things accordingly. If we only had Republicans to run things we'd have a lot more people in the streets. Or, a slaughter.

If only Democrats existed... Well... we probably just wouldn't have Donald Trump. It's not that Democrats are all Socialists. Obviously, many are wealthy capitalists. The difference being that Democrats admit the failures of a purely capitalist society when conservatives won't. They just want to tell you the way things SHOULD BE, and TRY HARDER.

I find myself identifying more and more as a Democrat, as a realist, as the years progress; but not as a Liberal. Liberals are more of the same SHOULD BEz, just from a different world view of morals and ethics, but just as conservatives do they legislate their own brands of morality. I don't care what anyone does with their private parts as long as they keep them, let's say... PRIVATE!

WE depend on YOU (of the ME) to keep the peace, but YOU can only learn from everyone else (the WE). 

We seem to want to flip the W upside down and be the ME to the Mez, eliminating the WEz in the process. This process is unavoidable and should simply be embraced as the way of life. As I like to say, "If you want things to make sense... Stop wishing for them to". Then it all makes sense! Nothing does.

Life is a Loopty-Loo!

Enjoy your day and realize it is ours!


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