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Showing posts from November, 2016

1st World Problems

My time on the streets of Athens, GA has given me the chance to process a lot of information.  My conclusions come without bias and foundation, and are based upon experience.  The loss of regular media coverage over the last ten years has afforded me an objective point of view.  Though, my objectivity is still limited in that it is a contained experience from just Athens, GA. I will confess that to you up front.  So, my views on "street life" may be different than my conclusions, or the conclusions of those who live on the streets of big cities.  However, I have "walked" the streets of Atlanta, San Francisco, and New York in a completely different role, wearing much nicer clothing and have met street people from those places as well, just in a much more limited capacity.  In other words, I never slept on the streets of those places.  Or, for that matter, in the dust of Ethiopian poverty... But, it was one Sunday morning I was "walking" the streets of...

Dolly 2020

Jessica Caldas is one of the several distinguished UGA co-eds I have met along my path in Athens, GA. She sat at the bar in Walkers Pub & Coffee one morning, several years ago, sketching a scene forever imprinted on my mind. It only took her a very few moments and voila, there it was! An amazing talent and a concerned citizen, soul, I have been able to see her continue to make her mark on the world through Facebook. Today, she posted this article, with the preceding words written by a Ian Tuttle of the National Review: "Principled conservatives, especially those in leadership positions, have a political and moral duty to condemn, and to work to eradicate, the animus that is the alt-right’s raison d’ĂȘtre, and to uphold the pillars of the American project. That project is more than metaphysical abstractions; but it is also not a simple matter of blut und boden. No, Steve Bannon is not Josef Goebbels. But he has provided a forum for people who spend their da...

How's Life? LOL

Someone I haven't spoken to since I was in High School had a birthday the other day, so I said "Happy Birthday".  Thank you Facebook!  I used to spend every morning in home room sitting near her, and I think she said the same thing every morning she said in response to this happy birthday wish which was, "Hey Gabe!", except she didn't follow it up with, "How's life LOL?"  Today, she did, many moons later.  And, you just never know what gets me to start clicking on the keyboard, but this is what I wrote and I thought I'd share it with you.  Though most of you never say anything after I post something, you keep reading.  So, I keep posting.  So, keep reading.... Please, and thank you. I am not a black man, but I am in touch with my black side, and my feminine side, and my masculine side, my intellectual side, my retarded, moronic side, and my left side and my right side especially after sleeping on the ground.  It kills my hips!  But lately...


While I appreciate the "mother" aspect, and the humor of that, Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump both make suckers ou t of voters Louis, and you're one too. The video has been re moved for some reason, but Louis C K wa s on a talk show explaining why he supported Hillary citing the "mother" aspect as one of the reasons. Furthermore, and only after my fifth government encounter this week, let me say this... They want us to vote for this SH*T?!? Number one, I've been unemployed, or underemployed for most of the last eight years. So, after having my drivers license suspended for a "failure to pay my bills", and then it expiring, I went to get a state ID and PAID the fee associated with that. Fine, right? Then, I find a job unexpectedly, a good job. It doesn't pay much, but it beats the streets. So, I decide to get my drivers license again. You can pay the reinstatement fee online, but not the renewal fee. Duh, number on...