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Dolly 2020

Jessica Caldas is one of the several distinguished UGA co-eds I have met along my path in Athens, GA. She sat at the bar in Walkers Pub & Coffee one morning, several years ago, sketching a scene forever imprinted on my mind. It only took her a very few moments and voila, there it was! An amazing talent and a concerned citizen, soul, I have been able to see her continue to make her mark on the world through Facebook.
Today, she posted this article, with the preceding words written by a Ian Tuttle of the National Review:
"Principled conservatives, especially those in leadership positions, have a political and moral duty to condemn, and to work to eradicate, the animus that is the alt-right’s raison d’ĂȘtre, and to uphold the pillars of the American project. That project is more than metaphysical abstractions; but it is also not a simple matter of blut und boden. No, Steve Bannon is not Josef Goebbels. But he has provided a forum for people who spend their days photoshopping pictures of conservatives into ovens. To conservative and liberal alike, that he has the ear of the next president of the United States (a man of no particular convictions, and loyal to no particular principles) should be a source of grave concern — and an occasion for common cause in the crucial task of the years to come: vigilance."…/steve-bannon-trump-administ…

This was my follow up response. On the surface, and superficially, it may seem sexist off the bat, but please indulge me as I'm only trying to get your attention and what a better way than this? I truly believe this is a discussion we need to consider in this day and age where science has blinded the blind faith of the faithful and people of faith embraced Donald Trump for president of the United States.

The problem with conservatism is that it denies we are all liberals in this country, compared to the Middle East, where our holy books and laws stem from. Conservatives hold on to this ideal of righteousness through the wearing of suits and ties. As far as that goes, Liberals do it too. Our entire government are people in suits and ties, presenting this image of some sort of superiority, on either side, either godly inheritance, or a more highly evolved state. Both sides think of themselves as superior. 

I am not suggesting we elect a bum for president, but I jokingly, and seriously suggest we elect someone who wears blue jeans on a daily basis if we're ever going to get a "real" person in that office. No matter which party you affiliate with, the representatives are pitchmen, or pitch-people to be more politically correct. They, are salespeople of the worst kind telling people what they want to hear in order to gain the sale, or votes, only to go and do what they are going to do.

The true salesperson does not make promises THEY cannot keep, and keeps the promises THEY do make. THEY also manage expectations by under promising and over delivering. If you can gain agreement without over committing and then over deliver, you have mastered true sales. I use the neutral THEY as I have since my youth because it makes more sense than he, or she, or going back and forth in endless communication stupidity.

With this being the most absurd election I have witnessed in my half a century on this planet filled with natural order and balance, I never cease to be amazed by the imbalance of people, and especially those involved in the political arena. How can the earth and the universe be so well balanced and we be so imbalanced, or is it just our leadership that is driving us crazy with false hopes and expectations?

Dear Jessica Caldas, we might not agree on all issues, but I think we probably share a core set of values, namely treating others with respect, not to cause harm, and to do what you say you're going to do. When the American public finally wakes up and realizes there aren't any solutions to our problems in a single individual, or party, then maybe real people will actually run things. We far outnumber them anyway.

I don't have a problem with a representative republic. We DO NOT, and NEVER HAVE lived in a democracy as people always tend to refer to our system. I don't have enough faith in humanity to want a pure democracy to be quite honest. Obviously, from your work, you know how people are. We're still trying to get "men", we'll call males, to stop shouting cat calls. 

Just come sit on the square of Athens, GA for a few minutes with me, and some of the male street people. If I looked at women the way they do, I'd have a permanent crick in my neck. Ironically, these same males are usually not the most sexually active and it seems to be an insecurity issue being covered by an exhibition of machismo to convey to the other males that they're not gay! It's truly adolescent.

White superiority is not much different. The most vocal proponents are often the least physically fit and even appear to be from some infected gene pool. Why is that? Why does the meter maid stop and talk to the beggars on the streets? It makes her feel superior, that's why.  And, she can barely speak English herself. Why do people laugh at those less fortunate? Why do we have people who enjoy watching the show Ridiculousness and laugh about the things that happen? 

People love to see other people in misery, or lower than themselves. It is called Schadenfreude disorder and it seems to permeate our society. Why did people vote for Donald Trump? Because he called out a group of people who want to feel superior about themselves when they really don't feel all that good about themselves.

So, once again, we have seen racism and xenophobia rear it's ugly head, raised by a guy who pretends to be from the streets, but was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Why would rural folk vote for another guy living in an ivory tower?My real question is why do people even vote.  But, I don't want to go there, except to say we don't elect kings.  Many of us just think we do.  Instead, we get promise making people who rarely keep their promises, because they can't and never could.. The Affordable Care Act being a perfect example. I'm not blaming President Obama. I think he did the best job he could do, even though I did not vote for him.  Yet, to propose socialized, single payer health care, universally, only to end up with a universal health insurance premium to pay, is as good an example as you can get.

Our system is set up not to give one side, or the other, too much dominance.  If only it worked that way from a male/female perspective, right? From the foundation, men who claimed a belief in Jesus Christ failed to include his name in our most cherished documents.  Don't you think if they wanted to declare this an exclusively Christian nation they would have mentioned Jesus in the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence?

 This is not and never has been a Christian nation exclusively, though many of the founders touted otherwise after writing the vague references to God. They set it up that way on purpose to encourage debate, and based upon uncertainty, because nobody has a lock on the truth. They were particularly leery of the the Catholic faith, but did not prohibit that from coming to America either. As long as someone comes in peace, not to cause harm to others they can believe as they please. That was what our founders really believed. We are religiously Libertarian at our foundation and that was on purpose.

Thomas Jefferson himself was by no means an orthodox Christian.  Though, he claimed to be a Christian, he ripped the Bible apart and pieced it together again in what is known as the Jefferson Bible. He is also the one who inspired the idea of the separation of church and state saying there should be a "wall of separation" between the two. Out of the other side of his mouth, he declared this a Christian nation, and so did judge after judge in early court cases in this new country. The confusion started from the beginning. It is the basis for everything we see now we can't make sense of and what finally led me to the personal conclusion that if you want things to make sense, stop wishing for them to. They don't.  Because, our very foundation was inconclusive, and the debate continues to this day.

Now, thank God we don't live under a theocracy, again... right? If you're a person of faith, then simply do what Jesus said of the LAW and love your God, and love your neighbor as you love yourself. If you're an atheist, then love your neighbor and keep your hands to yourself! That's why I support the 2nd amendment!! You just can't trust people! I mean, it would be like playing football without the referees. This is why I can never really be a Libertarian.  We need government.  We need good government.  We need responsible  government.

People need referees, and government. It's just that I think it's gone way to far in getting into our lives which makes me a sort of conservative, just not of the racist, xenophobic kind. In fact, it is my belief that most people are socially libertarian and fiscally conservative, meaning live as you please as long as you don't cause harm to others and manage your money wisely. Who doesn't agree with that? It's just that conservatism has worn the religious cloak for a long time and if they were really dressed properly according to their "beliefs", they'd be wearing robes.  Either that, or plumb naked and living in the garden of Eden...  with a fig leaf.

We need a new party Jessica, the Great American Party, where people of all kinds come together with respect for one another as long as you are worthy of respect. Everyone is not worthy of that, and that's a big problem I have with Liberalism. They want to paint with a very broad brush of inclusiveness. That also has limitations. But, I understand the legitimate complaints of people I disagree with in lifestyle. We don't live in a theocracy, and we don't round up our gay people and stone them to death. The church has God's law, whether it be the ten commandments or all the laws of Torah, which many mainstream Christians would do well to heed especially when it comes to the dietary laws, but again, this is NOT a theocracy and never was. 

So, if we're not going to execute homosexuals then they should at least be treated fairly. On the other hand, homosexuals don't need to be waving it in the faces of the public. When is the last time you saw a bunch of heterosexuals marching down the street mimicking sex acts? Come off it. Some things are better left behind closed doors and what this society really needs is a course in manners on both sides.

Bottom line, that's why I'm voting for Dolly Parton in 2020! 

When We See Clearly!

Order Now!!!

Call, or Text 762-728-0927

Dolly Parton was recently interviewed before the 2016 presidential election and asked who she was voting for.  She said that she hadn't made up here mind, but that if Trump and Hillary were running, she might as well run herself!  She said, her hair was right, it was big enough, and plus 'they could use more BOOBS!'

She is also the founder of the Imagination Library, and received an honorary doctorate degree from Carson-Newman University for her work in promoting literacy.  Through this program, the Imagination Library, a million books a month are distributed to children throughout the world.  There is even a scholarship fund that aids children to attend college.  It is said, that upon receiving her honorary degree, Dolly said, "Now, they can call me Dr. Doube D", and this is no joke!

Let's Move Forward to 2020, When We See Clearly

Dolly 2020!!!



Drawing By:

Jessica Caldas


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