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How's Life? LOL

Someone I haven't spoken to since I was in High School had a birthday the other day, so I said "Happy Birthday".  Thank you Facebook!  I used to spend every morning in home room sitting near her, and I think she said the same thing every morning she said in response to this happy birthday wish which was, "Hey Gabe!", except she didn't follow it up with, "How's life LOL?"  Today, she did, many moons later.  And, you just never know what gets me to start clicking on the keyboard, but this is what I wrote and I thought I'd share it with you.  Though most of you never say anything after I post something, you keep reading.  So, I keep posting.  So, keep reading.... Please, and thank you.

I am not a black man, but I am in touch with my black side, and my feminine side, and my masculine side, my intellectual side, my retarded, moronic side, and my left side and my right side especially after sleeping on the ground.  It kills my hips!  But lately, that has not been a problem.  I just remember how not too long ago, it was.

Go Cubs!
Golf is a noun &

Dolly Parton for President 2020... When We See Clearly!


Well... that's a loaded question, meaning very open ended! Let me keep it brief. It's 2017 and the Cubs finally won the World Series, just a few years off what was predicted by Back to the Future. This could truly be a once in a lifetime experience.

I am fortunate to have been born in Illinois and to have been able to attend my first professional Baseball game at Wrigley Field, still standing, built once in a lifetime, and perfectly par for the course.

I am also fortunate to have grown up in my youth on the Golf course, several in fact... including Kankakee Country Club, Big Canoe & Highlands Falls. That is especially significant as just today I was driving a Golf cart when I saw a cleaning towel on the ground. As I drove by to scoop it up, I was taken back to childhood when you drive by a Golf ball to scoop it up when it isn't needed to play because you're playing best ball.

I see, you posted and LOL with your comment, so I'm glad you laughed before I even responded because that means I'm playing to a receptive audience. Either that, or you could be hysterical. Or, even mocking me in some way, because the last time I went to a Baseball game, or played Golf was probably over ten years ago!!! The fact of the matter is I've spent most of my time in and out of jail for the past decade, and just recently had the pleasure of pleading guilty to being a "black man" in a court of law. 

It was a compromise, and I might be in touch with my "black side" as I told the public defender who 
WAS NOT representing me, but it's the truth. If you would like the transcript of the proceeding, I'll be glad to obtain a copy, but the discussion between me and the attorney was the best and unrecorded part!

Regardless, and in the interest of keeping this short, Life Is Good! I still don't know what that stands for, but I see that sticker all over the place, on cars, on hats, on t-shirts... I thought it had something to do with the company called LG, but someone told me I was being way to optimistic with that thought. There is a fine line between optimism and insanity, but a quick web search revealed that you can't believe everything everyone tells you. That truly would be insanity, wouldn't it? See photo attached below.

Other than that, I would only have to get into the details of things and it was such a short question that didn't require this many words already and I figure I better just quit while I'm ahead and leave it at this... or that!

Life is good, but it wasn't until I realized that Disneyland is not really a place, but a mindset. It's one of those things I've been saying for years now... "I'm from Disneyland, and these people are from the land of Hee-Haw"... You can feel like the land of Hee-Haw is inescapable, until you realize the two world's kind of overlap and while there are plenty of people out there who will try to knock you off your lily pad, it's your job to stay on it. So, if I was to re-answer your question, I'd simply say, "I'm staying on my lily pad! How's life with you?"



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