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If you got rid of all the money in the world we fight over, then we would fight over land as we did before money existed. Does anybody remember when money didn't exist? Who invented it? What happened to the days when you just took your goat to a neighbor and swapped him for some tomatoes?

Alas, getting rid of money, which is quite as impossible as confiscating all the guns, wouldn't solve the problem. For the same reason, Communism will never work because it is within human nature to lust and want more than we need. If you could get rid of that human trait, we could have world peace. Can we get rid of that trait?

I don't think so.

So, we live in a world governed by one underlying principle and that is the world is run on bullsh*t. The best we can hope for is to minimize it, while those in power try to maximize it, trickling down to street level where beggars beg while the soup kitchen is four blocks away.

The Trump Effect took it's toll at the soup kitchen this morning where the one Latino regular guest, decided to look up from his Bible and become a vigilante for Christ. I honestly think he misheard someone say something they didn't say. He is known for correcting people who use profanity, reminding people they are in the church, God's house. People on the streets use profanity like it's just part of the language, not out of some desire to be profane. It's just the language. One might conclude, street people are simply profane, debased, morally corrupt, and without decency. Many are. Some are not.

When a language barrier is present, one might hear someone say, "Big Money Gabe! Gimme summa dat money before the girls get it", the G's and the D, even the T at the end, a native Spanish speaking person, I can see how he might have heard GD in the quick three seconds it took to say those words..

Well, my Man that has pointed me in the right direction for resources since I hit the streets just said that to me and then went straight into the kitchen to get his plate. Upon sitting down, the Vigilante for Christ decided he would get up from his seat at the table where I was sitting, walk straight over to the supposed violator, and jump him, as they both fell to the ground grappling with each other.

Now, we already have a language barrier, Jesus name is translated as Jesus, not Joshua as it "should" have been to keep it consistent with the English language, and Donald Trump is the president of Evangelical Christendom who think of themselves as the best Christians in the whole world, just like the president thinks he's the best... something, in the whole world; though he refuses to confess his sins and is forgiven by this tight knit community of "Believers". The one thing they seem to have in common is believing in BS.

It is clear, with one third of our population still in support of this fake, that one in three people are basically full of crap. Be aware of that while you're walking down the street. One in three, folks, completely embrace crapola as a lifestyle and voted for it, and apparently would vote for it again. That's why I quickly nominated Dolly Parton for president in 2020. Now, I've modified that nomination and have included J-Law, Jennifer Lawrence as her running mate. Why? Because J-Law is taking year off from Hollywood to use the platform she has been given to help bring about positive change. Though the Evangelical community has fits for Hollywood voicing their opinions, what other obligation does one really have if given the spotlight. Are you supposed to just sit there dumb and happy? I applaud Jennifer Lawrence, and though I don't always agree with the Liberal Left, I do realize we do not live in a Theocracy and never have. Crazy Tommy, Tommy J, the author, or editor of the Jefferson Bible that eliminated all references to miracles and strictly focused on the moral code is the original Confuser of this non-theocratic nation. Yes, freedom of and from religion. No, State Religion. It was Crazy Tom that helped write the Bill of Rights declaring the government shall not establish, or prohibit the exercise of religion, under the guise of freedom of speech, and assembly. They wrote all these words in defining our nation, and never wrote the name of Joshua. He crafted these words and then turns right back around in a court of law and declares this a Christian nation. It might be a nation primarily occupied by Christians, but NEVER was it to be a State Religion. All you gotta do is practice your faith without causing harm to anyone else and you are welcomed, but we still argue over it to this day with people who can often times barely speak plain English in the name of Joshua.

So, as crazy as people might think I am, I look at those judges with the same conclusion of them. It just took me 39 years to unravel my mind from the mess of confusion that almost turned me into a Vigilante for Christ too. It was never cuss words that bothered me as much as it was materialism. I remember laughing at a cartoon in the paper one day and sharing it with my wife to be. While I laughed about it, she scowled, and then married me anyway. The Bride was in the background with he bouquet in hand, and her hands on her hips in disgust as the pastor spoke to the Groom saying, "Are you prepared to dedicate yourself to a life of mindless consumerism?"

A man who was once in a cult in Texas had four wives, and apparently a bad cocaine habit. But, he gave me a book one time called the Vigilantes of Christendom which is nothing more than a white supremacist book based upon the Phineas Priesthood, an everlasting priesthood promised to Phineas for spearing an Israelite man and a Midianite woman to death for intermingling. I had to put the book down because it stated within the first few pages that if you had any mixed blood within ten generations, then you were not pure white and therefore disqualified. Rejected, from the start by mighty whitey. It's funny though because every racist I've ever known who thinks of the white race as superior, is strangely in the form of someone who appears to be born from some infected gene pool, and barely speaks plain English. They also tend to believe in Decision Theology and think Jesus is an English name, like King James. I finally concluded the only thing superior about white people is their weaponry. Keep the peace, as much as you can, but always be prepared to defend. The 2nd Amendment is foundational, and primary to our nation's defining characteristics as the first amendment. What about the 28th amendment? These guys have been making laws against society and for themselves as long as I've been politically aware, and Crazy Thomas was prominent in making that clear. Write the laws, and then do as you please. And, they want me vote for this crap? I decline.

So, what's the solution?

Enjoy your days while you still can. Stop watching the news. Do more Sudoku. You can't change the world, but you can change yourself. Those eighty one squares, and touch of the Spirit made me see clearly where peace is, and so often, it's right in the middle of the storm. Just because somebody says, "Big Money Gabe! Gimme summa dat money before the girls get it", doesn't mean they said a profanity, no matter what language you speak. Well, some "girls" might be offended by that comment, but I didn't say it. Somebody said it to me. I just thought it was funny. The Latino Vigilante for Christ thought it was a curse!



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