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How was your weekend?

Oh, it was fine.  I went to my friend Luther's house and spent the weekend there.  He had a Stripper over, and a Meth Head.  I haven't spent much time around Strippers, or Meth Heads, but there I was and I gotta say, until the Meth Head finally woke up, I had a great time.

She was a country girl, with a few tats, and a good heart, but she had poison ivy on her p*ssy.  At least, that was her story.  I guess it sounds better if you call it poison ivy.  No matter what you call it, it screamed, HANDS OFF!  And, we did keep our hands off, although she did sleep naked in the bed with Luther.

So, we drank and watched Guns N Roses videos.  Luther doesn't have cable, or Netflix.  He has stacks of DVD's.  I never realized how young Axel Rose was.  He looked like he was about sixteen years old, but that band is tight, so tight!

Not having been a fan of any band very much in my life I have to respect GNR.  They represented the end of hard rock and the entry of eighties bubble gum music that main streamers love so much.  GNR gained mass appeal, but something happened in the eighties when music went worse than gay in the ironic way it did.  People often question me when I use that phrase, and let me be clear, Chick-Fil-A trash is the number one form of trash I see on the ground.  That's worse than gay.

Then the nineties came and Pearl Jam, and other hard rock bands, not quite like GNR, but then today we have Clutch, still not LIKE GNR, but equally hard rock, and kinda equally like the hard rock life of a stripper with poison ivy on her p*ssy...

She stayed for a couple of days, but then returned to the hands of her abuser as abused women so often do.  This is not a matter of economic slavery as much as it is an addiction to Meth and your enablers.  A strong drug, I've never tried, but I've heard several people talk about it as if they were in love with the stuff.

My what a long way I've come since my early days on the greens of golf courses and a life of privilege I didn't know I had.  It had to be taken away, or lost in order for me to know what I had.  On the other hand, I've lost some things I wish I never had like 115 pounds in the form of a woman from the DOPPO, the Department of Piss People Off.

As I told one of my atheist friends just yesterday, for the first time in my life, I found mental clarity.  It just took life on the streets to get me there.  This is a good thing having lived in a blur for most of my years.  Religion must be the number one cause of mental illness, as evidenced by this presidency supported by the Evangelical, Moral Majority.  Such glaring hypocrisy, in the name of Jesus, for gas guzzlers and materialists, masked by the Nazarene who doesn't look anything like this segment of his supposed followers.

Yet, the second most leading cause of mental illness, in my estimation, is the lack of religion.  Either way, you must go through this life learning to stay on your lily pad.  Suicide rates have been increasing for the last thirty years, which takes us back to the eighties again.  Hey, that actually makes sense, since it was the eighties when mainstream music went stupid and people loved it!  So, it makes perfect sense that we have this moron for president.

I'm not voting for this crap.  Voting says, I'm gullible.  And, I'm also not going to church where anybody where's a suit and tie.  I'm just not going to church, but I'm no Atheist.  God loves Hee-Haw.

Another Luther tried to reform the Catholic Church.  Instead, we have thirty thousand flavors of Christianity today, as is to be expected because absolutists and Domnionists who think themselves superior to all other people of faith are just as fallible as the rest, but deny it and attempt to force feed their beliefs upon society at large.  Jeff Sessions, the little twerp he is, should go back to Alabama and live happily ever after and leave the rest of us alone.

When the Moral Majority final figures out that as Americans we are fundamentally opposed to life in a theocracy, we shall have achieved the American dream in so far that if you live in peace you are welcomed here, no matter what you believe, because nobody has a lock on the truth, and that's the truth.


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