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Be Seen, Not Viewed

A guest preacher was in the pulpit starting off his Sunday sermon.  Before the engines were revving, he calmly announced, "It's better to be seen here on a Sunday morning, than it is to be viewed over there", pointing out the window at the funeral home next door.  It just so happened, besides being the guest preacher, he owned the funeral home too!

Whatever your situation in life in these United States of America, life is pretty good, unless you're being held captive by some pervert, or enslaved in the sex trade, or other worse than humiliating circumstances.  It is better to be seen, than viewed!

We seem to have the best in life, and the worst in life here.  I'm pretty sure it's that way in most of the world, although I did recently learn there is an island in the Phillippines called Mindanao where Davao City is located.  A highly urbanized sanctuary of sorts.  No public smoking is allowed and there is supposedly very little crime.  This, I learned by hearsay, a public impression.  With over a million people living there and over two million including the metro area, how this is possible, I do not know.

Further investigation yields this statement to be somewhat false.  While Davao City has received a high rating on a crowd sourcing website, it has also maintained the highest murder and rape rates in the country.  Yet, it has been deemed safe.  I've never been there, and I don't plan on going there, but it's interesting information to know, to say the least.  If nothing else, it's good ratings for tourism!

I've met a few people from the Phillippines along the way.  Every single one of them are kind and gentle people.  But, I've concluded most people are kind and gentle, while there is always the sinister element to behold.  I like the multi-cultural aspect of these United States of America.  To conservatives, that makes me a Liberal.  On the other hand, I'm not so Liberal as to approve of people walking around with their pants down, or with their butt cheeks hanging out of their shorts.

My Jewish Uncle, the Atheist, suggested I not turn into an old grouch with an attitude like that.  I thought about it for twenty four hours and then came back with this after my Uncle told me to let them do what they want.  For the most part, everyone wants to believe in Anarchy, or self-rule, but it takes a lot more faith in humanity for me to go there than it does for others, unless they just like to present ideas that are not really plausible.

I'm a top of the trees kind of guy when it comes to politics, and religion.  Whereas, in the past, I was completely subjective, I learned the objective view.  Take yourself out of the situation mentally.  Look at it.  Form an opinion.  Remove zeal, and remove extremism.  Does anyone have a lock on the truth?  Extremists believe they do.  But, do they?

My Jewish Uncle, the Atheist, is a teacher, not a preacher; perhaps an Atheist Fundamentalist as he alluded to the other day, made us both laugh.  Fundamentally, Atheism goes against norms, but adheres to others be they moral, or ethical.  It's just the WHY of it all.  And, then, there's the doing of the thing you believe is right.

Most people believe in love and joy and peace...  I've already said, I think most people are calm and gentle people and then religion and gangsters enter the picture.  On any given day, most people just want to make it through without too many obstacles.  It's not to suggest that there won't be any obstacles.  It's to suggest we deal with them without jumping off our lily pads!

It is also my belief, the people from the Department of Piss People Off have always existed, and so often work in the government.  Not necessarily, but so often it is the case.  The system of the run around hits every cross section of this world.

But, if you have to run around in order to make a decent living, then you might as well be doing it in a Mercedes Sprinter you live in, while travelling from city to city selling your wares, maybe sweating in the sun a little bit, and being able to sleep at night from the exhaustion of the day.  Unfortunately, my Jewish Uncle doesn't sleep very well and often times stays up all night taking target practice out on the hundred and fifty acres he lives on.  Maybe that's why he can't sleep?  If you're up all night shooting guns then it would make it impossible, right?

SU DO KU Therapy

If not for SU DO KU, the struggles of life might have consumed me by now, but I was born in the USA, where even if you're on the bottom rung of the ladder, you still have a chance to step up.  Even if, they knock you right back down.  Eventually, if there is something of value, you might get paid, but probably strung along.  Everybody can't be a Rock Star, but maybe we can all be Diet Rock Stars?  Shout out to the STAR that told me that, right there!


Be a STAR!

 Just don't ever leave your beer sitting on the bar top.  Somebody might slip you a Mickey, further adding to the humiliation you might have already experienced.
This is my own advice to myself, I have sometimes ignored.  Not wise.  You're own mother might be the one to drug you.  Know what I mean?

SU DO KU represents calm.  Calm is something Americans can't really relate to until maybe old age.  The Run Around lifestyle permeates every facet of our society from rich to poor, but if you are gifted with old age, then you kind of earn the right to sit around and be calm.  Does anyone think the president should visit an old age home, or a hospice facility?

But, it is the young who defend the old really.  It is the young who defend the old way of life of comfort.  After all, the young are funded by the old.  But, do we really need to spend ten times the next six countries on military spending to defend it?  Whatever the number is, capitalists unite, Democrat, or Republican and the military is, by far, the number one recipient of tax payer funding.  After that, we're all supposed to fend for ourselves by conservative thinking.  While if you're of a democratic mind, the people have a case.  As long as money exists, it is impossible for everyone to be a millionaire, or to live as one wealthy country.

But, money does exist and probably always will.  So, the mission of each living being inherently becomes, to obtain as much of it as you can.  For many, as close as they come is to providing a roof over their heads, and maybe some beers.  For others, they only make enough for the beer!  And, then there are those who have nine yachts, can hardly speak intelligibly, and are in charge of the Department of Education.  Not to mention, Munchkins who hate Pot.  Is it Sunday morning yet?


My Jewish Uncle the Atheist, might sneeze at this thought, and his teeth might just wind up in someone's salad plate too!  In fact, that already happened.  Old news, not fake news.  Just because it's old, doesn't mean it's fake.

 The run around is very real, and very old.  The only learning is in how to deal with it is in the doing of the thing.  You can't teach it.  You can't just give that ability to someone.  One has to learn it individually, but only by interdependence.

If we jump off the lily pad because someone makes waves, we have the right, and the responsibility to get back on.  If not, we better hope for shore!  Ribbit.

Do frogs eat flies because they're bothering them?


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