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Theresa DisMayed

With a look of consternation, the Prime Minister endured the press briefing with the "man" with a Queens accent as he applauded Brexit in his ape like fashion TREMENDOUSLY, claiming the greatest influence of it all.

She varied on her stance on immigration with him in that he, with a blanket statement, considered immigrants a threat to OUR way of life, whereas Prime Minister DisMayed clarified the British stance to the point of those who come to Great Britain without a threat of destroying OUR way of life, are welcomed.  The difference being racism vs. class and manners.

To lump all white people into a group is fake news.  Just because you're white doesn't make you my brother, Mr. President, but he was elected by the exploited class of people who will buy anything if you do it in Jesus name.  It seems that's how the world works.  Those in power are pretty much assh*les who exploit people of faith, whether it be faith in God, or race.

As he called for more spending on the military, globally, he showed his true colors of the might is right mentality, the plantation mentality, the top down mentality, that continues to feed the notion of trickle down economics they suck up like a babe on a tit when mother's milk has run dry, or barely feeding.

I couldn't watch more than five minutes before I had to turn it off because it reminded me of a poor orphan child who wants so badly to be the boss, and to be admired, that he becomes the complete asshole, like the ones he despises.  That poor child, now grown, treats everyone like they are crap, just as he must have been treated in the system in which he was raised.

You could say America is the orphan child of Great Britain... But, according to Wikipedia, America has over 20% of the world's GDP, twice as much as the next country at around 10%, which is China, and we owe them a lot of money.

All this talk about money, stemming from those who have a bunch of it, down to street people, is enough to make someone hungry enough to put ketchup on their steak like a person of such class as our president.  But, who would do that unless they really didn't have any class?

I know people love ketchup, like they love sugar, and it stands to reason if you've been sucking down sugar for your entire life you'd want to put ketchup on your steak since corn syrup is a main ingredient in ketchup.  However, what we consider to be normal is considered a disgrace by some.  Though, some would say I'm a disgrace because I like to drink beer after working for assh*les all day who want to call me out for it as they count my spots and ignore their own, often times in Jesus' name.

I saw two commercials yesterday where pitch people were wearing crosses dangling from their necks trying to sell cars and pillows.  Immediately, I decided I didn't want one of their cars, or pillows.  Personally, I don't think Jesus would either.  I mean, the good book never described him as a beggar, and he must have always had a pillow to sleep on, since he not only washed feet, but women of the time washed his and anointed them with oil.

I tried to explain this to a beggar the other day who proclaims Jesus with a cardboard sign and his poor story of gloom.  I do not engage beggars, but I made the mistake of an offhanded comment about the fact that white people can't dance when he was offended and tried to confront me.  He even followed me down the street cursing me without profanity as I walked away from the confrontation figuring I'd probably kill the guy if I got into a fight with him and I wasn't much interested in killing anyone at the moment, though I do support breeding regulations.

I told him I don't remember the Bible ever talking about Jesus sitting around begging for money.  Liberals love to say he was homeless, but it's a little bit different than being homeless if women are washing your feet, don't you think?  I'd hate to think what this guys feet are like after shuffling around with his cardboard sign day after day, in the name of Jesus.  If only he wore a suit and tie too, then it would make sense.  But, fakes come in many shapes and forms... often in Jesus' name.

Whether the Gospel is preached in pretense, or in truth...

So, dear Theresa DisMayed, I'm sorry you had to endure our brash, daft punk of a president who must get up early in the morning to do his hair as he speaks with his Queen's accent into the mirror to hear hismelf.  What a challenge it must be to deal with a poor orphan child who is a billionaire.  One who continuously, and repeatedly calls for more military spending because it's not really about US.  It's about his pockets, and crowd control...  I mean, the more troops he sends overseas, he must feel the fewer who would try to pick his pockets, and the pockets of those like him.

They make us all out to be criminals while they scheme new ways of bilking more money into their pockets... often times, in the name of Jesus.  It kind of makes one not like money, doesn't it?  Why would you want a bunch of money if it just meant you had to hang out with those you despise turning you into one of them, like the poor orphan child who so badly wants to be the boss, but really isn't worthy of Bosshood, you end up not hanging out with the real Boss!

Similarly, those who often call for "NO DRAMA", are the biggest drama Queens of all; just like those who sell cars and pillows with crosses dangling from their necks.  Just stick a fish in your advertisement and they'll buy it!  BINGO! 

That is, until they figure out you are the biggest FAKE, like our president, our poor orphan child of a president, lusting for Bosshood...  The closest he gets is in Executive Orders to alleviate regulations that would stop people like him from polluting our Earth further.

Well, these somewhat random thoughts stemmed from several sources, interdependently as things go.  No person is an island, and no BLAHG is either.  A culmination of pieces, like 81 squares of a completed Sudoku puzzle brings things together, while our poor orphan child with billions of dollars tries to distract us from completion.  The state of chaotic urgency is their MO.  Govern by confusion and maintain your power... until the audience figures out THEY'RE the real FAKEs like the money they live by and want us to strive for on wages that afford US cold beer.



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