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I just finished up a two week stay in Hawaii!  It was great!  Except, I never left the hotel room!  In case you didn't notice, that's three sentences in a row ending with an exclamation point.  And, without intention.  I apologize for my perceived "overuse" of ellipsis and exclamation points in advance of the reading of this post...

I'm not sure where I'm going with this.  I have no advanced plan, or outline for it.  But, after two weeks in Hawaii, I feel like a ROCK STAR, just without the pay check.  Anyway, do they actually get paychecks?  If they don't, they sure have a good time, until they get fat and get face lifts trying to keep up with father time who never ages...

One thing for sure that never ages is Quality.  Somehow, it always remains.  Now, if you can remember before you were born, there aren't any memories, or consciousness, and that must be the greatest Quality; no feelings, emotions, nothing.  Yet, we are here, against all odds according to statisticians.  Life is a gift, not an accident.


For two weeks, I haven't had to deal with any derelicts, other than myself.  The problem with derelicts is when you group them together, they take over Starbucks with their semi-open door policy and the students are bombarded with sleeping and snoring shit fucks who all think they're in the CIA, or the Mob.  They can't decide, and the Mob doesn't even exist!!!

I understand this dilemma, like we all do...

First, they tell you about God.  Then, they tell you about Santa.  And, then, they pull the rug out from under your feet and leave you to yourself to undo the programming.  Yes.  It will turn your mind over, and over, and over, and over, especially if you read the Bible, or some other "Holy" book.

Keep Breathing...

In America, our fundamentalists don't blow buildings up because they're mad about you not agreeing with their religion.  In America, they tear buildings down to build new ones, because this is the apparently, unnecessary way of business governed by those who would like to build walls on borders that don't really exist.  They also employ those who build them.  Hence, their slaves vote for them.

I'm glad I got that off my chest.  I can't think of another way to put it.  Unbridled capitalism is unjust.  But, until the slaves quit voting for it; Or, we institute breeding regulations, it won't stop.  I can't imagine being a billionaire.  I don't even want to.  But, after two weeks in Hawaii without leaving the hotel room, I should feel like a king.  It's just, they all want you to laugh at stupid stuff, and watch porn while you act like you're not watching it.  But, how can you not watch it when it's blaring from a giant screen right in front of your face.

Moralism.  Moralism, fits right into America which basically by the Constitution only has a few of them, and thankfully not six hundred and thirteen of them.  If it did, we'd be living like Islamic Fundamentalists in mass, and with guns bought from America.

Moralism.  With all the religion we have in this country, you'd think nobody would try to claim rights to truth, but the slaves voted and they love prescription drugs, even though they were out numbered.  What?  The alternative was keep prescription drugs, and adore her instead.  No difference.

Keep Breathing...

Morning Sex


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