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Films, Motion Pictures & MOVIES!

Immediately, by my use of the term "movies", you know I am not a Film Snob.  I also did not grow up in the era before "movies".  Even as I write this, Blogger is questioning my use of the term by underlining it with a red squiggly line, but that's what I call them, movies!  So, sue me if you don't like it.

People used to only see celebrities in still shots printed in magazines before the age of television.  Then, they would go see them at the "movie theater", after hearing about it on the radio.  Nobody ever called them Film Theatres, did they?  The word "film" is really a description of the medium by which we are enabled to view "movies" rather than it being a description of the experience of watching still pictures transformed into motion.  So, I'm sticking with "movies", but I am not opposed to calling them motion pictures.  For the "purists" out there that insist on using the word "film", why don't you just call the Internet, "wires", or something like that too?

It's not every day, or even every week, I get to watch movies.  I don't have access to them because of my lifestyle.  But, when I do watch movies, I binge.  That's mainly because when I watch movies, I have the opportunity to lay around and do nothing, which is exactly what happened this past week.  I cannot remember every movie I watched as I did not make any notes, but these are the ones that come to mind as I try to remember.  I list MA last because I was a little uncomfortable watching it after the first few minutes unsure if this was a movie intended for kids, and I'm not sure about this either, but I think I'm just a big kid. Psych!

I kept watching because the one person I recognized in the entire movie was Juliette Lewis in the opening scene.  She was the hook, and, being media deprived, I honestly didn't know her by name until I just now looked her up as I'm writing this.   Sorry, I guess I should have said "typing" this!

Turns out, it's a horror film that doesn't get horrifying until the end.  After watching it, I'm not at all ashamed to say so and it wasn't horrible!  It seems a little cheesy until you understand the psychological damage done to Sue Ann in her earlier, childhood life in a small town, but it wasn't horrible.  It was really sad and it made me want to cry, but I didn't.  I spent the entire movie wondering why the heck would this black woman keep buying these white kids booze?

I'll leave it at that.


In the order in which I remember them, here are the movies I watched this week during my vacation from the streets which also hold entertainment value in an entirely different way.

 Long Shot (2019)
Seth Rogen/Charlize Theron

Congratulations Seth Rogen!  Who knew a pot head who dropped out of school would end up in a "movie" where Charlize Theron would be your romantic partner.  I'm old and out of shape, but I worked out for most of my life until I finally quit.  Apparently, you've never worked out and that should bring us all hope.  By the way, I was a pot head too.  Now, after two or three days of it, it just makes me worthless.  I'm considering cocaine, but I find if I just go sober, I feel much better.  As irrelevant as that may be, I applaud you for using your active mind to create a fictitious setting where you were really able to work with her. I enjoyed the show, and agree we need to save the trees, and the plastic bags aren't doing it as we thought they would a long time ago.

 Spanglish (2004)
Adam Sandler/Tea Leoni/Paz Vega

This is probably the first Adam Sandler movie I've seen that wasn't just goofy.  A serious story, relevant to our times especially as it relates to the issue of immigration and neurotic white women named "Nancy".  It is injected with Sandler style humor, but an "adult film" if you will.  Actually, it's an "adult movie", because adult "film" just sounds gross.  Film is something you have to clean in the shower.  Nonetheless,  I never heard of Paz Vega before and unlike the other movies I am referencing, I only mentioned the actors I recognized.  Because she was the central character, I mentioned her name.  What I really want to know is how you cross the border on foot and end up in Malibu where your daughter is awarded a scholarship to a private school without any real conflict with authorities at all.  Did I miss something?  Oh.  I know.  It's a MOVIE GABE!

 The Adjustment Bureau (2011)
Matt Damon/Emily Blunt

The last time I was able to binge watch HBO was Christmas time, 2019 where I occasionally house/pet sit for my good friend the Captain and his wife as they travel.  As I reflect, the only movie I remember watching at that time was a Matt Damon movie called Suburbicon and it was great, but The Adjustment Bureau was right up my alley, considering my own psycho-spiritual journey.  Never have I experienced anything like this movie projects, but it captivated me since in 2004 I asked God to let me know him like a cave man, before there were any books ever written about him.  This movie never mentions God.  Instead, we have the Chairman, but it's one of those stories that makes you think outside the box which is kind of the same thing as wanting to know God like a cave man, without any books.  Which is also kind of like finding out Emily Blunt's name and that she can dance too.  That wasn't a double was it?

Cake (2014)
Jennifer Anniston/Anna Kendrick

Another serious story with a funny person I had only known in a comedic way.  Like Sandler, it was really great to see Jennifer Anniston in this roll, although it was kind of hard to watch even though it was an act.  The funny woman still had her sense of humor and smiles, especially as she was trying to con her doctor out of more Percs and Oxycontin and whatever else.  Among other things, she was dealing with not only addiction, but "hallucinations" of Anna Kendrick portraying another loss of life and source of grief, perhaps generated by her character's drug abuse.  The pills are killing too many in this country today.  I know from first hand experience about this, but it's not just the pills.  Life is hard, especially when you've lost a child, or two, or three, or four.  The psychological impact suffered in losing a loved one, especially your offspring, is without doubt a form of PTSD, but in the end if we are going to move forward after feeling "ripped off", some cake would be in order!

 Knocked Up (2007)
Seth Rogen/Katherine Heigl

Again, Seth Rogen in a RomCom with another beautiful woman you'd never imagine being with a pot head!  With all due respect, and as a former pot head, now severely out of shape, I'm just happy to look okay in my clothes!  No offense man, but if I ever made it in Hollywood, I'd hit the gym!  Other than that, I think you're very funny, most of the time.  It's like Carolla though.  You always gotta throw the fart jokes in there!  At least, you made her do it!

 UPGRADE (2018)

With only a 5 million dollar budget, it's not surprising that I didn't know a single actor in this techno thriller, but I was hooked from the start by the self-driving cars.  I don't have enough trust in these machines to take a ride in one and you soon find out why.  Of course, a crash occurs and the story ensues.  I'm one of those people, like most, who use computers and technology, but I'm no techy.  I'm just always amazed by our reliance on technology we offer up so freely.  I have complained that many techies have a God complex, and are busy trying to create the perfect world, according to themSort of a form of fascism, especially when it doesn't work, but what ever does exactly as we want?  While I value technology, it seems like whenever I need it the most, it fails.  You know... try to print out a resume when you need it!  This cautionary tale is definitely one I'm glad I caught and would certainly recommend to others.  Just be careful out there.  Technology is everywhere, and for some it is within.

Bruce Willis/Samuel L. Jackson

Reminiscent of Sixth Sense, I couldn't stop watching this one either.  I don't see dead people, but I have dreamt of dead people a couple of times including the time I was in a limousine with Dwayne, my driver going down Wilshire Blvd. for a meeting with Clint Eastwood in his office.  In the lobby was the cast from Taxi, the TV show.  I met everyone and shook their hands, except for Bobby who popped up unexpectedly.  That's when I headed for Mr. Eastwood's office!  He was filming a movie about a giant alien that was terrorizing a small town.  The guy that owned the town had wired it up for sound and even vibrations.  It kept the people terrified and him in control.  This is really no different than the Wizard of Oz concept where until you look behind the curtain, you are fooled, even in a dream.  Dreams are like that though, especially when they seem real.  It's when the crossover occurs between our dreams and reality is when we might see things differently than the ways we have been taught.  Super Heroes are often based upon less than super human people that might have some extraordinary attributes.  UNBREAKABLE carries on the tradition, and brings comics to life.  Why else would Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson be the two main stars?

 The Zookeeper's Wife (2017)

Once again, let me remind you, I am media deprived.  Certainly, with the level of talent in this "movie", I should know some of their names.  Jessica Chastain?  Johan Heldenbergh?  I am ignorant, but that doesn't mean I didn't appreciate watching this Holocaust story where hundreds of kids were hidden and saved by the Zookeeper and his wife.  Holocaust movies are hard.  The Jewish people were never portrayed as filthy like some street people.  They were never portrayed as ill mannered, like some street people.  They were never portrayed as uneducated, like some street people.  They were just hated because they were Jews.  With the rise of nationalism in the US by white supremacists, the ironic part of it all is that the modern KKK, Nazis aren't wearing hoods, and ANTIFA is.  I don't know what to make of it.  It's like we're living in a ZOO!

Thank You for Smoking (2005)

While I recognized many faces in this one, the only one I could name is Katie Holmes.  It is a star studded task, but I don't know any of their names.  This movie is important to understand what it means to be an American where we don't live under a theocracy, or authoritarian rule.  Yes, smoking is bad.  Should it be illegal? No.  Why is marijuana illegal then?  We always aim to create a more perfect union because we have yet to get their.  As in the Quality movement that once appeared in corporate America, Quality was viewed as a journey and not a destination.  So, marijuana is illegal.  Cigarettes were attacked over alcohol and guns and in the end they remained legal, as they should be.  If you don't like smoking, don't smoke.  Likewise, I guess I've become a liberal, but if you don't believe in abortion, don't have one.  We don't need girls using coat hangers anymore than we need them using abortion as a form of birth control by having multiple abortions.  We don't need the government telling us we can't smoke.  So, again, why is marijuana illegal?

 The Island (2005)
Scarlett Johansson/Ewan McGregor

I caught a portion of this before around Christmas time, but it was more toward the end of the movie and I did not understand what it was about.  However, I caught it this time right up front.  Ohhhh Nooo, Clones!  Nobody would complain if Scarlett Johansson was cloned and there were a bunch of Scar Jos running around, but not to farm her for organs for goodness sake!  One of my several and earliest celebrity dreams included Scar Jo.  I was lying back with my head on my back pack, on a grassy hill on a beautiful day when she appeared like an angel.  She only said four words, "You need more time".  It was the next day I had a court date.  I showed up for what I thought was going to be a routine appearance only to be sentenced to six months in the county jail!  I guess that's what she was telling me in the dream.  Six months in the county jail is a long time, but not as long as some of the clones had to wait to go to The Island.  Some had been in the facility for years and complained of their wait, but if they promise you an island, you might not want to get your hopes up.  In fact, you might want to appreciate the time you have not being called as the "winner" to go to the Island.  It's really just not worth your time!

MA (2019)
Juliette Lewis

I've already said my piece about this, but I am reminded of a story from the Bible I just referenced as I finish this up bouncing back and forth from a discussion on the Last Week Tonight with John Oliver page.  When Jesus was at the wedding in Cana and they ran out of wine, Mary, his mother, came to him telling him of the predicament to which he immediately responded with, "Woman!  How does this concern me?".  No.  Mary did not slap him.  Instead, she told the servants at the event  to do what he said.  What did Jesus then do?  Basically, after he told the servants to bring urns of water, he said, "Ok, MA", and then he turned the water into wine.  I'm just don't think he made it for the kids.


So, that's it!  My movie reviews from Last Week, Today!  I have often said, since there are so many movies I have never seen to the point when people ask me if I've seen a certain movie and I haven't, with their astonishment, I feel like if there is more to heaven than simply singing eternal praises to our Creator, I'll have plenty of time to watch all the movies I've never seen!  See you there!


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