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Seeking Shelter

Every now and then, I feel like leaving this town, Athens, GA.  Then, I remind myself, wherever I go I'm still homeless, even though I've convinced myself I'm home wherever I am...

As recently as last week, Thanksgiving, I was again facing the same feeling.  After all the job leads from New York and New Jersey, and all the other things like Playboy models who once subscribed to my BLAHG years ago, when I started it, I thought about running away and chasing those glimmers of hope.

After my first two subscribers were Playboy models, I seriously considered going to Pacific Palisades, on a shoe string and without a hedonist bone in my body!  The sign on the gate apparently said something like, "If you're not into swingin', then don't come a ringin'".  That just grosses me out.  It was at that point I decided I could never be a Hugh Hefner.  Call me whatever you want, but I'm not ringin' on that gate.

So, ever since then, I've lived on the streets.  I've even met some women of Playboy caliber, but I've also spent the last several years sleeping in the homeless shelter where there aren't any women of that caliber.  Makes you re-consider the whole 'swingin'n & ringin'' concept... Barf!

I'm just not a macho man, I guess.  Some would say, not much of a man.   That's ok.  I don't want to be a macho man anyway.  I'm good with me like I am.

But, as I said, every now and then I feel like leaving this town, and then I face reality.  On Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, I was feeling a little low, but not like it used to be.  The Holidays are my least favorite time of year, and always have been, but I don't go into a dark dungeon in my mind any more.  I just get a little low because I don't talk to certain people I would like to and things aren't exactly how I would like for them to be.  Who can say differently, really?  It's just that I'm part of that 1/2 of 1% of the population that happens to be homeless.  Yet, I still hope for better days that just never seem to come.

This time, for whatever reason, I decided to investigate what the homeless situation is in the Florida Keys.  I hate Florida.  I hate the beach.  I hate the humidity, but it is cold outside and getting colder this time of year in Georgia.  This can make you long for warmer weather.

Upon searching out the Keys, I found a picture of the Homeless Shelter in Key West.  It appears below.                                                   

According to the article I found in the Miami Herald, by Gwen Filosa, "The Keys Overnight Temporary Shelter takes in about 100 people per night at 5537 College Road".

Apparently, the shelter is a bone of contention in the local community with an ongoing debate as to where to relocate it.

Looking at this picture makes me want to relocate elsewhere even before taking a step in that generally southern direction from Athens, GA.  For comparison, he is a photo of the local Bigger Vision Winter shelter here in Athens, GA.

As you will note, each bunk is a free standing unit, instead of several jailhouse like mattress pads on a wooden platform in what looks like a simple metal building that I somehow doubt is Hurrican proof!  The Bigger Vision shelter even includes a book case.

The space you see is a quiet space, to be treated as a library; not a place for loud, or ongoing conversations.  There is a separate area for those who want 

to talk, though that policy must be reinforced on a regular basis.  Generally, speaking it is a Quiet Zone.  If you live on the streets one of the first things you learn is the leaf blowers start at 4am.  It is a very noisy small town.  It makes you wonder why all these petroleum devices are often so noisy, though automobiles have made great strides in recent years in quieting things down.  Now, that electric and hybrid vehicles are on the streets that barely make any sound, it has really made a dramatic difference, but the leaf blowers are still obscenely noisy beginning at 4am.  I hope I see the day when noisy makers no longer exist except in cases of calamity, just not in routine order.

That being said, you can see from the picture why I'd rather be in Athens, especially since I don't live in the Playboy Mansion, and I'm not a swinger!  That reminds me of my post from just a couple of days ago too.  When, at the end, I refrained from going further with my top ten list about Being Poor, where I said that poor people like to share their sexual partners, and that ketchup was the bridge between rich and poor, but a sticky road it is to travel.  Hey, there's another thing rich and poor have in common.  Often times, they both like to share sex partners!

Read "Being Poor" Here:

Once again, I have reached the point of enough being said.  And, while my search for shelter is a daily occurrence, especially in the colder months when sleeping outside can be intolerable depending on the time of year, neither of these places looks like this place.

When it's all said and done with, I've stuck around this town for as long as I have to have gained my mental health.  I've walked over thirty thousand miles either working, or just trying to survive.  Street Life, like suburban, is a run around, you've probably heard me say... Only it's without a car!  If you have standards like mine, your selection is limited to say the least, if you're looking for a comparable partner.  And, taking a comfortable nap is just about out of the question.  So, sleep becomes quite a treasure.  Having spent the majority of my life, until I turned 39... being duped by people who use Jesus name to justify every outrageous thing they do in the pursuit of happiness and material possessions, one thing is for sure, I really don't think they get too much sleep here anyway.

That's the trade off I've made, sleep over sex!  I mean, it's not like I'm a virgin.  I'm just damned tired!

Thank you Bigger Vision!

Dolly 2020
When We See Clearly 





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